onsdag 16 april 2014


Dear President Pilkington,
I love this work. Change is good, challenging but good! I'm excited to work with Sister Beesley and to learn from her! 

These last few weeks my relationship with and my love for my Father in Heaven. I almost feel overwhelmed by it at times. Especially at our testimony meeting this past Sunday. The Spirit was so incredibly strong and I just felt filled, completely. I had the same feeling as we were walking to Stake Conference and just seeing all the happy, loving, faces of the members and friends. This gospel is a gospel of peace, happiness and joy. It just fills us at times, no room for emptiness our doubts, just being filled with love, peace and gratitude. I was reading in Joshua 1:13-17 and I loved it. Joshua is speaking about how their people have received rest in their country and that they now must leave their wifes and children behind to go and help their brothers to find that rest as well. "Until the Lord have given you brethren rest, as He hath given you" The men than answer Joshua by saying " All that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go" That is why we are here. Because we have seen the joy, the peace that God gives to us through this gospel and we need to give that to others. I love when the Lord teaches we through the scriptures. I love the word of God and I hope that I never lose the hunger of learning that I feel right now!

We have quite a few investigators that are sloooowly moving forward, we just have to help them continue. I love how they slowly change, how we can see that even though they cannot. We can see how they are happier, more open, come with more questions, how their whole countenace changes. I love it! They are lovely! They just need to continue listening for those answers and not be afraid of acting upon them. But time will tell!

Have a great week, I hope your arm is doing alright and please send my love to Sister Pilkington!
With all my love,
Sister Stromberg