onsdag 16 april 2014

Fantastisk vecka!‏

Hejhejhej familjen, plus some extras.
Den har foregaende veckan har varit riktigt bra! Madde battre och battre ju mer dagar som gick och nu ar jag helt prima! Inga piller och tillrackligt med energi sa det ar gott!
Vi hade manga moten den har veckan och var inte i vart omrade i tre dagar pa grund av exchanges sa det var konstigt men vi hade en massa mirakel som resultat av valsignelser och hart arbete!
P-day, tog det lugnt och skrev brev och hade sen findig pa kvallen. Forovrigt sa har jag borjat alska att handla mat och hitta ny och god mat att laga. Har blivit ganska nyttig de senaste veckorna sa jag ar ratt nojd med mig sjalv faktiskt haha, men det kommer fran att jag borjat tycka om att laga mat tror jag. Tanka sig, jag trodde aldrig att det skulle komma.
Lots and lots of finding. Hittade en ny undersokare dock! En grym man vid namn Tony.
Akte till Huddersfield och hade ett mote dar med halva misisonen. Elder Kearon (area seventy) var dar och det var hur fantastiskt som helst! Sa inspirerande!
Var pa exchange i Sheffield med de kinestalande systrarna. Riktigt kul!
Mote med Elder Kearon igen och zonledarna. Riktigt grymt och sa mycket bra som kommer att ske. Skriver mer nasta vecka!
Alskar er
Dear President Pilkington,
I am doing absolutely great! I have loved the meetings that we have had and I have learned so much! There is so much for me to apply and change and do better. I think I realized that this week- I have too many things I need to fix to just do it all on the same time. So I'm setting a couple of specific goals (based on what we have discussed this week) and concentrating on those.
We had a miracle Friday night. We went by a potential, Rob, who had forgotten about our appointment but he let us in and he had a friend over. His friend Pete is amazing. Rob didn't seem as interested and he is a bit older and not as quick to understand but Pete is great! Interested, alert and really wanted us to meet his girlfriend. When we were sitting there and he was sharing about how he felt "lighter" after the prayer I could see him as the next ward mission leader. What we spoke about at that meeting, about seeing everyones true potential is so important! It was so exciting and sadly he did not come to church and neither did our other investigator, Tony, but we had two less actives come and we have great hopes for this next week. We will work hard, do our best and plan better. I haven't been planning as well as I should these past few weeks which is so important when you are new to an area. But free from sickness I am determined to do better!
Sister Golemi is doing well. A bit tired of having to go on exchange all the time but there isn't much I can do about that. She talks as much as usual and just as funny and hard working. She really does have a heart of gold and no matter how easily annoyed I am about small things, she always does her best and with the best intentions. She really is great! I have a lot to learn from her.
See you at the christmas party, I'm excited to see you and Sister Pilkingtons talent! And I'm sorry that you have to suffer through three of these parties but we'll make it as entertaining as possible for you!
With all my love,
Sister Stromberg